At Gardner Fish & Gun Club, 538 Clark Street Gardner, MA
At Gardner Fish & Gun Club, 538 Clark Street Gardner, MA
At Gardner Fish & Gun Club, 538 Clark Street Gardner, MA
At Gardner Fish & Gun Club, 538 Clark Street Gardner, MA
Yes, the 2025 EarthDog season is sneaking up on you. Check the Events page and mark your calendar so you don't miss a Practice or Test.
Don't disappoint your BFF (Best Furry Friend)
Did you remember to practice your SE Recall. What? You're only in Junior. Great time to start working on a solid recall. Or you could wait til you enter Senior and lay on the ground groveling at the entrance, begging your little hunter to come back to you. Your choice :)
We officially opened for the 2024 Earthdog Season and were ready for prime time with our new IQ/NE den! The weather was perfect and we had the largest group of volunteers ever for our tunnel install on opening day (4/27). 23 people came out and boy, did we get a ton of work done including the construction of our second IQ/NE den. We now have 2 IQ/NE dens, 1 JE and 2 interchangeable ME/SE dens allowing great flexibility for both practices and tests.
Our first practice was May 11th and we were ready to go. Our new Practice Run Order Program was posted on both FB and our website at Please be sure to use it to sign up and secure your spot for Earthdog practice for you and your dog. It will be posted on the first page of our website next Spring in time for our first practice of the year, so keep an eye out.
We had a record number of volunteers come out to help install everything this year. Being a member of a club is not just showing your dog (tho that's a lot of fun :). Sharing the "behind the scenes" activity and being part of the camaraderie makes it so much more.
The Greater Boston Area Earthdog Club ( will be hosting Earthdog Training Days. You don't have to be a member of the GBAEC to participate. There is no charge to come and play!
This is an opportunity to try out earth dog for the first time, to work on the "next level" before a trial, or to hone your and your dog's skills and improve comfort levels. All levels (Intro, Novice, Junior, Senior and Master) will be available for training.
Greater Boston Area Earthdog Club is based in Gardner MA at the Gardner Fish and Gun Club. Our season is from May to September with two Trial weekends and a practice each month. We are hosting ScentWork Trials and are looking into other fun things to do between Earthdog events.
If you are in the New England area and are interested in joining our Earthdog Club, come to one of our events or practices or Email: Hannah Gregorio ( for more information.
Please look through our website. Checkout our Calendar for Events and practices and pictures of our club members and guests having fun with their four footed buddies! Membership Application is in the Files section.
GBAEC members, many of whom are experienced Earthdog competitors and several are Earthdog judges, will be there to assist with training and share tips. It's a super opportunity to leverage their experience and enjoy the great outdoors with your dog.
Breeds eligible for Earthdog are generally the shorter legged terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Dachshunds and Min Pins that can fit in the 9”h x 9”w tunnels. AKC eligible breeds can be found here:
If you have any questions, email Kate Pfluke, Training Coordinator (